Gorm Black Pendant Light

1,134 EUR

Model/Product no.: 819-003
Stock status: Expected delivery 1-3 working days

Modern, black/black linear pendant light by LOOM Design

Gorm is a modern, black linear pendant light that fits perfectly in the office or above a dining table. The pendant light is made of aluminium, painted black with a black centre. It has an integrated LED light source that emits fantastic downward and upward light, easily dimmed with a single-hand movement below the pendant. It has an elongated black canopy, and the suspension can easily be adjusted from 100 to 150 cm. up and down, so the lamp gives you the best opportunity to get the proper lighting.

Gorm is available in the colours gold/black, white/black or black/black.

Product info Built in LED 2700-5700 K, - H 6,5 cm. x L 1,5 m. x D 3,5 cm.
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